This entity stores a set of images, typically aerial imagery.
Once you select “Ortho-Imagery” from the “Add” menu, you will see the following options:
Item Name |
A readable name for the new entity |
Capture Date |
An optional field containing the original capture date |
Horizontal Datum |
The horizontal datum used in the world registration files |
Projection |
The projection used by the world registration files |
Horizontal Units |
The horizontal unit type used in the world registration files |
Click “Choose Files” to select which files to upload as the Ortho-Imagery set. Each image in the set is expected to have a matching world registration file. The following table lists the supported image formats and the expected world file extension for the format:
Image Format Extension |
Expected World File Extension |
.JPG |
.JGW |
.PNG |
.PGW |
.BMP |
.BPW |
.TGA |
.TAW |
.TIF |
.TFW |
You can also select multiple archive ZIP files, which should contain the image and matching world registration files.
Click on “Create” to begin the upload process. You can track the upload operation from the “Pending” section in the project’s page.