The IVoxelFarmReportLambdaHost interface provides access to platform features during the final stage of a report's execution.


string CreateTempFolder(string name)

Creates a temporary folder and returns the path to it.

bool AttachFile(string targetName, string filePath)

Attaches a file to the report entity.

ServerEndPoint GetServerEndpoint()

Returns the necessary data to connect to the spatial platform. This can be used to interact with the REST or streaming APIs.

double GetSumValue(string entity, string property)

Returns the value for the specified sum.

bool ScanList(string name, Func<string, bool> scanFunction)

Allows to iterate over the specified list. The provided lambda function will be called once per element on the list. The callback must return false so the next element in the list is retrieved. The scan operation stops if the callback returns true. To have a list processed in its entirety, make sure the callback always returns false.