Report Lambda Examples
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda;
namespace TestLambdas
// This Report Lambda uses a Sum to compute the volume of an object
public class EntityVolume : VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda.IVoxelFarmReportLambda
public SpatialLambdaResult Done(IVoxelFarmReportDoneLambdaHost host)
var result = new SpatialLambdaResult(0);
return result;
public SpatialLambdaResult RunReport(IVoxelFarmReportLambdaHost host)
// get inputs
int entity = host.InputEntity("0", "Volume Source",
VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda.EntityType.VoxelTerrain |
VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda.EntityType.BlockModel |
VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda.EntityType.MaterialTracking |
// ask the platform to load voxels for the entity including volume for each voxel
int voxels = host.LoadVoxels(entity, VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda.Attribute.Volume, "");
double sum = 0.0;
int channelCount = host.GetChannelCount(voxels);
for (int channel = 0; channel < channelCount; channel++)
// get array with volume values, one per voxel
float[] volumes = host.GetVolumeBuffer(voxels, channel);
// the array can be null if all volume values are zero
if (volumes != null)
// add volumes together
double voxelSize = host.GetVoxelVolume();
foreach (float v in volumes)
sum += v * voxelSize;
// report sum results
int sumId = host.StartSum("Object", "Volume");
host.Sum(sumId, sum);
var result = new SpatialLambdaResult(0);
return result;
// This Report Lambda uses a List to create a block model file in CSV format out
// of another volumetric object
public class CreateBlockModel : VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda.IVoxelFarmReportLambda
public SpatialLambdaResult RunReport(IVoxelFarmReportLambdaHost host)
// get inputs
int entity = host.InputEntity("0", "Source",
VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda.EntityType.VoxelTerrain |
VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda.EntityType.BlockModel |
VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda.EntityType.MaterialTracking |
// get buffer with volumes
int voxels = host.LoadVoxels(entity, VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda.Attribute.Volume, "");
float[] volumes = host.GetVolumeBuffer(voxels, 0);
// list voxels with any volume in them
if (volumes != null)
double voxelSize = host.GetVoxelSize();
double[] centroids = host.GetVoxelCentroids();
var list = host.StartList("blocks");
int index = 0;
foreach (float v in volumes)
if (v > 0.0)
double x = centroids[index];
double y = centroids[index + 1];
double z = centroids[index + 2];
string item = x + "," + y + "," + z + "," + voxelSize + "," + voxelSize + "," + voxelSize + "," + v;
host.List(list, item);
index += 3;
return new SpatialLambdaResult(0);
public SpatialLambdaResult Done(IVoxelFarmReportDoneLambdaHost host)
string compressionFolder = host.CreateTempFolder("compress");
string uploadsFolder = host.CreateTempFolder("uploads");
string blockModelFileName = compressionFolder + "block_model.csv";
string headersFileName = uploadsFolder + "headers.csv";
StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(blockModelFileName);
StreamWriter headers = new StreamWriter(headersFileName);
host.ScanList("blocks", (item) =>
return false;
ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(compressionFolder, uploadsFolder + "");
host.AttachFile("", uploadsFolder + "");
host.AttachFile("headers.csv", headersFileName);
return new SpatialLambdaResult(0);