The IVoxelFarmReportLambda interface provides a way to supply custom execution code for a report process in the platform.

The interface is declared as follows:

namespace VoxelFarm.SpatialLambda


    public interface IVoxelFarmReportLambda


        SpatialLambdaResult RunReport(IVoxelFarmReportLambdaHost host);

        SpatialLambdaResult Done(IVoxelFarmReportDoneLambdaHost host);




RunReport(IVoxelFarmReportLambdaHost host)

Runs the report's logic. See the  topic for more information. This method takes one parameter of type IVoxelFarmReportLambdaHost

Done(IVoxelFarmReportDoneLambdaHost host)

Runs the final stage of the report, allowing to consolidate any data produced during the massively parallel stages. See the  for more information. This method takes one parameter of type IVoxelFarmReportDoneLambdaHost