This section will cover the necessary steps to set up a Voxel Farm Cloud deployment over Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The Voxel Farm Cloud solution uses AWS to:

  1. Provide blob storage
  2. Communication between different services
  3. Metadata storage


The Voxel Farm Cloud adaptors for AWS use S3 for blob storage. You will be required to provide the name of a S3 bucket. This could be a new bucket, or a bucket that is already in use.


To enable inter-service communication, you must create a new queue in AWS Simple Queue Service. The default parameters for the queue will work in this case. The following image shows an example:


You must also create a new topic in AWS Simple Notification System. Just like with the S3 bucket and SQS Queue name, please take note of the Topic ARN. The following image shows an example of a topic in SNS:


The last step is to create a new empty table in Dynamo. The table must have a Primary Partition Key named “ID” of type string. No Primary Sort Key is required. The following image shows an example of a table in Dynamo:


Once the AWS setup is complete, you should have the following pieces of information, which will be required in the following steps:

  1. S3 Bucket name
  2. SQS Queue name
  3. SNS Topic ARN
  4. A new table name in Dynamo
  5. Access Key Id
  6. Secret Access Key

Note the Access Key you use should grant access for the S3, SQS, SNS and Dynamo services.